Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Moral nihilism Essay

When determining the status of morality there is three different options. Morality may be the different between objectives, relativistic, or it may be a complex set of rules. Moral nihilists are like relativists by denying ethical objectivism however, relativists believe in moral goodness, duty and virtue and nihilists don’t. Error theorists and expressivism are both forms of moral nihilism. Error theorists believe â€Å"our moral judgments are always mistaken†. Expressivists don’t agree and also deny that our moral claims can ever offer an accurate take on reality. (307) Error theory and expressivism are two forms of moral nihilism. Error theorists believe â€Å"our moral judgments are always mistaken†. (307) While expressivists deny those beliefs and deny, â€Å"that our moral claims can never offer an accurate take on reality†. (307) The error theory is made of three doubts/claims. The first is â€Å"there are no moral features in this world†. Error theorists believe that nothing is morally good or bad, or right and wrong. Exemplified in the book many scientific qualities in the world (liquids, being three feet long, carbon based chemicals) but none of them contain moral features. The next doubt of error theorists is no moral judgments are true. There are no moral facts so certain statements made cannot be true. The third corresponds to the second doubt, â€Å"our sincere moral judgments try, but always fail, to describe the moral features of things†. Since there are no moral truths for moral decisions, all of our moral claims are mistaken. These three principles used by error theorists lead to the conclusion of no moral knowledge. The fourth claim counteracts and answers the third point. â€Å"There is no moral knowledge† when means knowledge requires truth. (307) If no moral truths are given there can be no moral knowledge. Error theorists want it to be known that all moral thoughts are wrong. They believe that moral thoughts are not believable and people who believe in them are lies. Error theorists stand by there main point â€Å"morality is nothing but a fiction†. Error theorists are kind of like atheists. The example in the book is â€Å"error theory is to morality as atheism is to religion. † They both deny truths of widely populate views. Atheists don’t believe in god yet a very large percent of the population believes in god even if there are many different gods. Error theorists deny morality even though many people live life off of their â€Å"moral beliefs†. You can think of atheists are error theorists about religion. Atheists think there are no religious beliefs in the world and when religious people try to preach, atheists believe they never speak the truth about â€Å"god†. Error theorists have agreed that the main disbelief of morality is the assumption of objective moral beliefs. These beliefs â€Å"supply us with an excellent reason for obedience, regardless of what we care about†. (309) Morality is objective and provides the ones who believe in morality with â€Å"categorical reasons†. If you don’t agree with categorical reasons then this proves error theorists true that there is no such thing as morality. To prove that error theorists are right they have to convince people of how they came out with the thought that morality is a lie. Error theorists must first prove that morality is a commitment to categorical reasons. If morality doesn’t rely on these and they can prove a different way to live off of moral reasoning’s, then error theorist are wrong. The second point is that error theorists must show that at least of the moral assumptions are false. Its good that many people haven’t heard of the error theory because if error theorists can prove the moral theory wrong, there would be terrible results. People would now believe they have been living a lie their entire life. If morality is proven wrong, people will do whatever they want and everyone will soon go crazy. If error theorists are correct, they must defend themselves that morality is objective. Expressivism is like error theory with a few changes in certain places. Expressivists accept the first two beliefs of error theorists. The first â€Å"there are no moral features in this world†. The second belief â€Å"no moral judgments are true†. The beliefs that separates error theory and expressivism that expressivists think they are not trying to speak the truth while making moral judgments. Error theorists believe â€Å"our sincere moral judgments try and always fail to describe the moral features of things. (312) Expressivists vent their emotions and are known to make others act certain ways by making a plan of action. Expressivists want to have confidence in morality while also denying ethical objectivity. Expressivists say â€Å"moral claims cannot be true, then this makes it very difficult to understand how moral argument is possible†. An argument to this theory is that a conclusion must be true provided that its premises are true. My opinion would be that expressivists theory cannot be true. The other claims they make cant be used. If the first two parts are true then the third cannot be true. If the two parts of the argument are true the conclusion will be as well. Expressivists warn to â€Å"not be fooled by the superficial similarity between factual claims and moral ones†. (315) Moral claims are known as nihilism that would mean†¦ Moral claims are nothing essentially. They express our personal feelings. That’s how expressivists express people’s moral judgments. Concluding with all that I have learned with the different theories and morality. Morality is a set of objective tasks and rules to oblige by, giving us specific reasons to do everything that we do. Error theorists believe there is no such thing as morality. Moral beliefs are all lies in other words. They think out moral thinking is about assumptions in our head that is a lie. Expressivists are the same as error theorists and believe that â€Å"denying moral duties supply us with categorical reasons†. (317) Error theorists believe morality is all fake in peoples heads. I believe with the error theorists about morality.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Media Role in Everyday Life

Analyse the following quote: â€Å" it is because the media are central to our everyday lives that we must study them†¦ as social and cultural as well as political and economic dimensions of the modern world. † (Roger Silverstone, Why Study the Media? 1999. ) criteria understand respond to question construct logical argument key terms/concepts used accurately provide relevant examples where required Reading 1. 1 Why Media Studies is Worthwhile: Bazalgette ‘Media studies is controversial because it is still new and because it deals with things that are not only continuing to change but are also the focus of many anxieties. 2000:5 ‘Newspapers, film, radio, television and, increasingly, computer software and communications networks are generally considered to be immensely popular in ways that are not fully understood and about which there is little consensus. They are consequently blamed for all kinds of social ills, political problems and cultural degeneracy. Ea ch of these media has also, in its time, been seen as the harbinger of apocalyptic change – for better as well as for worse. Similar essay: Disagreement in Natural SciencesBut because the oldest of them – the mass circulation press – has only been in existence for little more than a century, the process of change has been too fast for anyone to arrive at definitive conclusions about what its social, political and cultural effects really are. ‘As much as everyone likes to think they rebel against their parents and teachers, and keep up to date with new ideas and technologies, we are all substantially formed through the frameworks of ideas and thought of earlier generations, and we all find change difficult. ‘ ‘Change almost always provokes strong feelings: excitement, anxiety, tension, fear, anger.The media, conspicuous and changing objects in a world that is itself changing, are a particularly public focus for these kinds of emotion and argument. There is therefore much disagreement about how the media should be understood, regulated and consumed. 2000:6 It is essential to r ecognise that media studies, even as we enter the twenty-first century is still new. ‘†¦. it is a subject still in the process of being formed. Full of disagreements and different claims as to what it is ‘really about'. It is also a hybrid subject: that is to say, the ideas and approaches that it draws upon come from many different sources. The mass circulation press, the cinema, radio, television, digital software and the internet each attracted comment, analysis and speculation from the start (2000:7) Everyone who spoke or wrote about these media was themselves already educated within existing academic disciplines and motivated by particular interests 2000:7 Nevertheless, hybrid disciplines do appear all the time: semiotics, structuralism, sociolinguistics, and many more. Media studies snaps them all up: there can never be too many different ways of analysing just what is really going on in those fleeting images. Those rapt audiences.Those smoke filled boardrooms of owners. Technology and theory 2000:8 – The media themselves change much faster than any theory. In fact it is often changes in the media – even basic technological changes – that impel changes in the academic construction of the subject. As I write this in the late 1990s we have moved into a period of what are profound changes brought about by digital technologies. Until the 1980s the term ‘media' meant what it said (although it was, and still is, widely misused as a singular noun). It refers to numbers of different ways of physically reproducing and carrying meanings.The whole point of a media text is that it moves and flows: the meaning is never ‘there' at a given moment, but in juxtaposition and sequence, in the tension between one moment and another. 2000:8 2000:9 Media studies is thus a catch-all title designating a wide variety of courses, and since these are all embroiled both in developing a coherent theoretical base and in keeping up with technological and institutional developments in the media themselves, does it even make sense to lump them all together? 2000:9 In media studies you are asked about the profit motive.In media studies you are asked this. You are asked to look at cinema and television as industries which employ large numbers of people and to understand how they work, how they are financed and why they produce what they do. 2000:10 In media studies you may be asked to think about films, television programmes or other ‘media texts' in the same way. But you will certainly also b asked to think about how they address you – or other people – as a member of a group: as British, say, or as a black person, or as a man, or even – but how often? – as all three.By asking you to think about texts in this way, and by making you investigate who made, say, a film or programme, and why, and in whose interests, media studies is essentially political. Every investigation of even quite short or trivial texts potentially leads into larger questions about power structures in society and how they are organised. 2000:10 – It is just as ‘political' to be asking questions about who owns this newspaper, who financed this film, and why; or perhaps more interestingly, who wouldn't finance that film and why, or how one kind of television programme is more likely to be made than another.The politics of the media affect our lives as much as the politics of Parliament or Congress, and can be more satisfying to investigate since the evidence is all around you every day. 2000:10 At the same time it is the inclusion of this political dimension that media students often find the most satisfying and worthwhile aspect of the subject. ‘You stop taking things at face value'. You should beware of media courses which render the subject down to a few handy maxims such as ‘the basic function of all media is to sell audiences to advertisers'.To object that this ca n hardly apply to public service broadcasting or a community video workshop is not to deny that these institutions will also have political roles to play and manipulative techniques to use. But it does reassert the principle that there is more than one way to look at any text. A political dimension to critical analysis should add complexity, not simplification 2000:10 So far, I have identified two basic principles that media studies courses are likely to have in common: using economic and political perspectives as key ways of understanding the media.These are the most characteristic differences between media studies and most other subjects. But no course will concentrate on these areas alone. 2000:11 One of the strengths – and also the challenges – of media studies is precisely that it asks you to consider texts from different and often sharply contrasting perspectives. What do you study in media studies? 2000:11 Just what – if anything – constitutes a va lid argument for studying one text, or one group of texts, rather than another? There are five main ways of answering this question? Popularity (2000:12) The emphasis might be on the phenomenon of mass audience pleasure and on understanding and legitimating the enjoyment people derive from these texts or in contrast, the aim of the analysis might be to reveal how audiences are manipulated and deluded by stereotypical or reactionary material Exemplification is an obvious ground for worthiness of study, especially when the aim is to illustrate an aspect of theory, such as genre or representation. Notoriety (2000:12)– is an interesting and useful reason for studying a text that can offer a way in to thinking about social, political and cultural contexts.Texts which are interesting to study in their own right, but whose notoriety reveals much about their conditions of production or consumption, include banned or controversial television documentaries etc ‘Such ‘case s tudies' form the starting point or central exemplar which can illuminate aspects of the media we don't normally think about or see. Turning points and groundbreaking texts could be included in the previous category, but texts can be significant without being notorious, especially in retrospect. Aesthetic value (2000:12-13) s a criterion that many media teachers would deny using as a way of selecting or judging texts. 2000:13 What is it all for? ‘It is also obvious that the media industries themselves are hard to get into and rely increasingly on freelancers, ‘2000:14: that a knowledge of history, politics, economics, accountancy, law – you name it – would be equally useful as a basis for working, as, say, a journalist or editor It is increasingly likely that, whatever job you do or whatever your domestic circumstances, there will be more opportunities for you to engage with the media, and not just as a consumer.Indeed, the field of ‘alternative' and s ubversive media production may be the one that grows fastest over the next few years (who knows? How could you tell? ) as access to technology and circulation systems widens Inside or outside the corporate producers, the new voices will come from the people who are already literate in the new media What media studies can really do is open up your understanding of how things work, how people become informed – or misinformed – and how the myths and ideologies that govern all our lives are created and sustained. Reading 1. Media and Communications: Theoretical traditions 2002:23 The field of Australian media and communications theory and research is in a unique position. On one hand, it is highly derivative†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. this is partly due to general globalisation of ideas today, but also to Australia's past as a British colony and in more recent decades, to its dependence on the United States. On the other hand, in Australia we are able to observe and compare the influences and models emanating from the metropolitan centres of the Northern Hemisphere and to selectively combine and modify them in accordance with our own national reality and place in the world -.. dentify the origins of the major paradigms or schools of thought which have arisen in European and American theory and research as they apply to media and communications; to trace the formative influence they have had on particular styles of work in Australia; and to show how they have become transformed in the process of being adapted to our experience here EUROPE VERSUS AMERICA 2002:23 .. ‘European means heavily interpretive and holistic in scope – that is, taking a macro perspective, looking down on society as a whole. Its sociopolitical stance is critical of society as it exists, and most often specifically Marxist.In its methods, it is deductive in that it applies general principles to the analysis of particular cases By contrast, the American approach is strongly empirical and micro in its scope – at its extreme, its form of knowledge relies on the direction observation of distinct phenomena, preferably controlled and measurable occurrences, like in a laboratory experiment. Its sociopolitical stance is said to be liberal or pluralistic – in other words, it is not aligned with any sector of society which has an interest in changing the world, but in that sense, it is really more conservative 002:24: However ideas do not belong to geographical territories and it is important to appreciate that, even if critical theory has traditionally been weak in the United States, Europe in fact has not only produced the characteristic critical and interpretive schools of thought, but also has a strong tradition of ‘positivism', which is much more aligned with ‘American' empiricism and functionalism (Giddens 1974). Positivism is basically the idea that the methods of natural science can and should be applied to understand and contr ol society and culture, which includes the media.Western Marxism and Ideological Critique 2002:24 In order to understand contemporary media studies, it is crucial to understand the significance of the Frankfurt School and its tradition A critique of the rise of the mass media (mainly the new media of cinema and radio in those days) which has defined one important direction for Marxist criticism ever since 2002:25 This is the ideological critique of the media Reading 1. 3 Self and Experience in a Mediated World Reading 1. 4 New Media and Technological Development A Beginner's Guide to Textual Analysis

Monday, July 29, 2019

Smoking Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Smoking - Statistics Project Example male, this shows that more male than female smoke, results also show that among the states Utah has the least number of smokers while Kentucky has the largest number of smokers, the following is an analysis of the 2006 data retrieved from US census website. Data was retrieved from the US census website The data contains the percentage of those who smoked in each state and the percentage of male and female who smoked in each state. The data is appropriate in that it will help in the comparison of the percentage of smokers in each state. This analysis will help in the formulation of policies that aid in reducing the number of smokers and promoting health among the citizens. States with high percentage levels of smokers can adopt policies existing in low percentage states and therefore promote a healthy population. Data was retrieved from the US census due to availability, another reason why this data was selected was due to completeness of the data, the other reason is that data is accurate and reliable given that the data base is maintained by the state. An analysis of the mean percentage value for all the states show that the mean percentage value of all those who smoke in all the states is 20.34%, the mean percentage value for male individuals is 22.17% and18.64% for female individuals. The following chart summarizes the results: In July 2006 the US census estimated the population size to amount to 298,362,973, this means that the number of smokers was 20.20% X 298,362,973= 60, 269321; therefore approximately over 60 million individuals were smokers in the year 2006. From the above chart it is evident that all those who smoke 54.55% are male while only 45.45% are female. This means that given that those who smoked amounted to 60,269321 this means that the number of male individuals who smoked amounted to 54.55% X 60,269321 = 32,874,175 while the number of females amounted to approximately 45.45% X 60,269321

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Kung Fu Hustle Analysis Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Kung Fu Hustle Analysis - Movie Review Example The development of film through pooling resources from different industries and applying the different genres that were previously not being utilized has aided them cross the coterminous boundary of global film. Chinese films are more defined in geographic, ethnic and auteurist terms and only bound to address the issues of identity, nationhood, gender and immigration. Chow’s film, Kung Fu Hustle answers the Joroen De Kloet’s call to ‘move away from the textual to the contextual’ and still address the same issues that previous directors were trying to address. Scholars need appreciate that the evolving Chinese film industry is incorporating aspects that are more western and involving western studios to make their art. The two industry have ceased being apart and have merged to make a comprehensive picture that addresses the â€Å"derivative- a slavish, lesser, imitator† tag. The main aspect of merging the two different cultures is to appeal the popular audience and intertwine globalization, localization, regionalization and nationalization in films. Chow’s film Kung Fu Hustle is an important sign in the evolving Asian market to adapt and interact with the western industry. Chow, through production, funding and the acting incorporates western aspects that are ‘acceptable’ to the Chinese people. He avoids themes that will limit his film to the Asian market, which has a liberal thought in terms of culture and religious freedom. Through his previous films, he knows that he cannot appeal to the audience through voice humor and hence develops bodily and character humor that will auger with any audience globally. An auteur skill of film making that makes him a director to reckon with in the Chinese film industry, while incorporating those aspects that attract popular audience and make money. Popular culture among actors is definitive in formation of identity,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Answering the questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 11250 words

Answering the questions - Assignment Example 3. It is extremely difficult to precisely define religion because there are several counterexamples posed. Diverse authors have provided various features of religion in their definitions. The feature of religion to express the complete reality of goodness in all aspects of living has been proposed by F.H. Bradley. On the other hand, C.P. Tiele has explained religion as the pure and authentic reverent disposition which is present in the mind frame and known as piety. 4. The working definition is that religion is constituted by a set of beliefs, actions and experiences, both personal and corporate, organized around a concept of an Ultimate Reality. Their definition is not satisfactory because a given religion, with its preferred attitudes and emotions, its prescribed rituals, its important stories and myths and its recommended way of life can never be fully understood. 5. Beliefs are truth claims or statements which are accepted to be true. In a particular sense, all religious have the ir bases in beliefs. The five basic areas of beliefs are as follows: a) Humans find themselves in a predicament b) Humans need a way to resolve the predicament c) There is an existence of a transcendent being which assists humans or is the very objective of existence d) This â€Å"something† can be approached or known in a particular manner e) Something must be done by human to achieve liberation or salvation 6. Philosophy of religion is the attempt to analyze and critically evaluate religious beliefs. This is mainly because philosophy is the study of beliefs and religious philosophy tries to evaluate the diverse beliefs on which religions are based. Religious philosophers try to seek answers to religious beliefs in determining whether they are consistent and coherent. Critical questions are raised as to whether religious beliefs are plausible, probable, meaningful and true. The twentieth century witnessed an advent of religious philosophers to be influenced by analogy. Thus, religious philosophy may also be referred to the study trying to analyze and clarify significant arguments and concepts. 7. a. The editors have an approach to critically review the diverse religious beliefs by trying to and clarify significant arguments and concepts. b. The issue in the discussion of â€Å"the God of the philosophers† and â€Å"the God of faith† is that rigorous intellectual investigation has nothing to offer to devout faith. 8. The unreflective persons are those who have not made a serious attempt to reflect on the grounds of opinions. On the other hand reflective persons are those who responsibly look at all relevant arguments, clarify key ideas and carefully trace the implications of beliefs. 9. The three points of a philosopher of religion is to try and think critically about the issues related to the theistic concept of God, respect serious and responsible thought despite the outcome and respecting the rational process demands that the points rec ognize the stance of philosophers of religion on significant issues. Assignment 1. A â€Å"person-relative view of proof† means that the argument should be sound with accurate premises and a valid conclusion should be drawn from the premises. A person should know the argument to be sound for it to function as a proof. The role of proof helps in extending knowledge and this

Friday, July 26, 2019

Sociology - mental illness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Sociology - mental illness - Essay Example Nonetheless, there are no observed variance in the rates of severe mental illnesses like schizophrenia and bipolar depression. Numerous theories have been put forward for the gender differences in the incidence of mental health problems and women's susceptibility to depression. These can be grouped in three broad categories -- biological theories, psychological theories, and social theories (Stoppard, 2000). Theories categorized as biological highlight the "medical model" of mental illness, and in relation to women, customarily point to the notion of hereditability and the role played by their physiology in the origins and manifestations of mental illness. Interestingly though, the extensive cross-cultural differences identified in rates of depression call into question elucidations based on a simple medical model. When probing gender differences in connection with psychological development, the vital role performed by gender-specific socialization and coping patterns has been underscored (Nolen-Hoeksema, 1995; Busfield, 2002). Therefore, the diverse mental health problems experienced by men and women are now considered to signify a gendered expression of mutual basic emotional obstacles and inconveniences. These psychological developmental theories are substantiated by concrete proofs from longitudinal studies which display and reveal the variance in boys' and girls' mental health which begins to emerge at the inception of puberty, when adult social roles are to a great extent, assumed and embraced (Kornstein and Wojcik, 2002). In addition, the 1998 WHO Report declared that women's health is inextricably associated with their status in society. It gains from equality and puts up with (WHO, 1998). For instance, in Ireland, female gender is still an indicator of lower status, diminished participation in decision-making and lower pay. Likewise, women are deprived and prejudiced by the many roles they had to perform in society - carers, partners and workers and all through their lives, women are more likely to be gravely affected by physical and sexual abuse (WHO, 2001), which can trigger and pave the way for severe physical and mental health ramifications. Further, studies have concluded that the psychological and emotional damage brought about by social factors is further aggravated in cases of social disadvantage. A constant reverse relationship has been identified between social class and mental health (Prior, 1999; WHO, 2003; Women's Health Council, 2003), and women have been steadily found to be at greater risk of falling into poverty than men (Combat Poverty Agency, 2002). For this reason, greater contextualisation of mental health difficulties within social realities is necessary. This is particularly true when studying and analysing women's most common mental health problems, which are essentially controlled and affected by gendered perspectives of women's suitable conduct and role in society and by the

Summary of Chapter, Pricing Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Summary of Chapter, Pricing Strategy - Assignment Example The percentage of profit that company deems fit is added to set the final cost. The cost price strategy becomes viable for product only when defined sale volumes are estimated and met through effective marketing. This is a flawed strategy as it relies on sales volumes and if they are not met, the cost goes up and adversely impacts the performance of the company. It also totally ignores the customers who are increasingly become the major part of business strategy and marketing. Competitor based pricing primarily believes in the price strategy of its main competitor and follows the same regardless of its repercussion on its profitability. This is wrong because each has its own constraints and inputs that need to be considered in the pricing strategy. It becomes fatal when the competitor’s strategy is based on selling the product irrespective of loss. The market-led strategy is best described by setting one’s pricing based on the pricing of its competitors. The pricing is either the same or lowered so that to gain market position. Sometimes, when value addition to the product provides it with unique features, firms can maintain their market position even when the price is raised. This is most prevalent in the contemporary environment of high competition. Glaxo’s Zantac had overtaken SmithKline Beecham’s Tagamet because it had fewer side effects in ulcer treatment. Thus, product pricing also influences customer’s perceived value of the product. Three techniques: tradeoff analysis; experimentation; and economic value to the customer or EVC are used for understanding customers’ perceived value of the products. The tradeoff analysis uses customer’s requirements for a product and adds or removes those properties within the product to make it attractive to the customers. Firms can raise the price despite heavy competition. Experimentation  tests the preferences of customers by placing the same product with varying prices at a different location.  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Written submission Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Written submission - Essay Example The rest of the tenants (15%) are single. There is some ethnic diversity in the estate. The current turnover is at 18%, however, re-letting is a major challenge especially in the case of smaller properties due to the estate’s poor reputation. There is also the problem of a high percentage of the tenants having rent arrears. Most of the customers are in the Housing Benefit scheme and this is one of the major reasons why so many of them have rent arrears. Currently the tenants do not have their own Tenants Association. The level of sense of community is very low, but a few of the residents are eager to change this. There is also very limited customer engagement with Southway and other agencies. Some of the issues and problems facing the estate include a high crime rate which is one of the reasons why the estates has such a high turn over rate and a low re-letting rate. Some of the most common crimes committed in Lowfeaf include burglary and drug dealing. The estate’s physical appearance is also very shabby with poorly maintained gardens and litter scattered everywhere. There is also a lot of graffiti on the walls which makes the place look unfriendly. Lowfeaf estate has an annual community budget of  £10,000 which is currently not being used. The regular staff available includes a community officer and income management officer. There is also the Customer Involvement Team and Your Neighborhood Team Manager who provide support services. There are plans to begin a home improvement programme which is set to take off within six months. There is also an environmental programme which is planned to start in the next nine months. The major issue in this estate is its reputation. Therefore the best plan is one that will help create a good name for Lowfeaf. I have developed a three year plan that will see Lowleaf turn from a shabby-looking, crime-laden estate to one of the most enviable residential areas. The plan

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Huntsman Corporation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Huntsman Corporation - Research Paper Example Approximately the company has 12,000 employees and has operating offices in different countries worldwide. In 2012 the company generated revenue of more than US $11 billion. 43 percent of the revenue came from the production and sale of polyurethanes, 27 percent from performance products, 12 percent from pigments, 11 percent from advanced materials and 7 percent from textile effect (Huntsman, 2012). The current make-up of their business divisions has allowed the company to exceed the adjusted EBITDA of 2011 by 15 percent and make a fresh record of US $1.4 billion in 2012. Total sales volume increased by 7 percent in 2012 compared to the previous year 2011. The company has also made dramatic expansions in other continents, such as, Brazil, Asia and the Middle East physically by building operating bases and virtually reached almost every corner of the world in this era of virtual trading. The chemical industry and competitors in the industry The year 2010 was a good year in the chemica l industry when the amount of chemical output increased in the US and Europe by 5 percent and 10 percent respectively. However, growth in this industry has slowed down since then. According to estimates for the year 2013, the industry performance is projected to be sluggish. Estimated production rate of chemical in 2013 is not very favorable. Chemical production in the US in this year is projected to grow at a modest rate of 1.9 percent. Although it is higher than the average of 1.5 percent of 2012, this growth rate is considered insufficient and slow-moving by the American Chemistry Council (C&EN, 2013). Reports by The European Chemical Industry Council have predicted that chemical production in Europe will increase by 0.5 percent in the current year 2013 from last year, a figure that might be considered anemic. Looking at the demand side, the condition is still better but very exciting. In 2013, total demand for chemicals by the emerging countries in the developing world would sho w a rise. However, it would not be â€Å"enough to spark significant activity in the West† (C&EN, 2013). According to reports, chemical manufacturers in the US are expecting to face low price of natural gas as well as of raw materials for the production of chemicals in the year 2013, which would provide increased provisions for their manufacturing process. Financial instability of Europe plays a significant role in the performance of the industry and is putting â€Å"a long shadow over the chemical enterprise† (C&EN, 2013). With these uncertainties, the activities in the industry and its performance are no more predictable in the future. Huntsman Corporation is located at Houston in Texas and has a proven track record of successful performance and stalking profit levels in the international market place of the chemical industry. The international company operates its business locally through the subsidiaries established in different parts of the world. Being at the top most layers in the industry, Huntsman Corporation faces steep competition from a number of companies that have a good market share in the industry. The companies recognizable globally in this industry are Dow Chemical Company, DuPont, BASF, INEOS Group, LyondellBasell, Mitsubishi Chemical, and Roche. The top three competitors of Huntsman Corporat

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Marketing Plan - Echeverry Vodka Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing Plan - Echeverry Vodka - Essay Example The company understands the significance of retaining customers therefore, it will work on the principle that marketing strategy will aim to satisfy its customers by making a reputable name in the market. Mission The Echeverry Vodka mission is to lead the best quality and innovative production of wine in the American market. The company will keep very close and excellent relationships with the consumers to fulfill their needs and requirements. Company will satisfy consumers at any place or time with the best quality product. The Echeverry Vodka will also keep satisfactory profit margins from its business to maintain the company’s growth and financial stability. The vodka company will maintain a friendly and healthy working environment by adding value to the people and implement innovative marketing strategies to strengthen market position by introducing innovative, new, and best quality products in the existing competitive market. Marketing Objectives The marketing objectives for the vodka company that they will follow to maintain its growth and position in the market are: Every month, the company will sustain its positive growth and stability. Each quarter, company will show increasing market penetration. The company will design marketing strategies with huge campaigns for awareness of its product through the trade shows, which will be figured out by the consumer’s responses and feedbacks on quality of the product. The company will use different modes of advertising to market their product through media, home programs and special shows, through direct mails, hotel guides and different charity events. Market Needs To determine the need of market is the most significant management activity for companies because it is useful for making or developing the new product (Morey, Maybury, & Thuraisingham, 2002). The company will provide tasteful wine to its customers and taste of Echeverry Vodka will be different from the competitors wine. Most of the peop le in Virginia are experiencing similar taste of wine therefore, it is the need of the market to introduce new wine different from others, and people will be able to get a different feeling when experiencing that wine. Echeverry Vodka seeks to provide high quality wine to its customer for making them satisfy and enticing them to drink this wine again. Market Analysis and Competitors: Due to the economic downturn of 2008, the Virginia wine industry has seen a decline, because people became hesitant of buying the product for their luxury. Due to this reason, the competitors have cut down their prices because they do not want to lose their market share (Full Glass Research, 2011). However, Echeverry Vodka has decided to launch itself because it is predicted that the wine industry will increase by 11% in the year 2013, and revenues of this industry will increase up to $49 billion. The popularity of mixed drinks is rapidly increasing in the market and consumer’s spending for non-d urable goods has increased more than 6% therefore, company has an opportunity to launch itself at this stage. The main competitors of Echeverry Vodka are Absolut Vodka and Smirnoff because the rates these competitors are offering is similar to the rates of Echeverry Vodka (ABC, 2012). Financial Objective The Financial Objectives that Echeverry Vodka Company will follow are as follows: Every quarter the company

Monday, July 22, 2019

Corruption in India Essay Example for Free

Corruption in India Essay We all know that Corruption has always been a longstanding social evil un the day to day life of every Indian citizen. The Indian government has always made anti-corruption measures available for the benefit of the citizen, but corruption has always defeated those measures and flourished. We are sure that each one of you or your family has directly or indirectly been a victim of corruption. Even after 62 years of indias independence , the plight of commonman has worsened. Corrupt public servants , corrupt judges , corrupt police , etc are proving to be parasites leading 5-star lifestyles at taxpayers expense. They in their greed for money , bribe are aiding abetting terrorists , separatists , naxalites, underworld mafia , etc covertly overtly , backstabbing our motherland. These corrupt public servants are more cruel than Jalianwallah Bagh butcher General Dyer of british army. If Mahatma Gandhi was alive today , he would have been disgusted with the present way of democratic government , functioning of public servants would have died heart broken. If our freedom martyrs like sri. Bhagath Singh or Sri. Madan Lal Dingra or Sri. Subhash Chandra Bose would have been alive , they would have given a befitting reply to this corrupt police , corrupt udges , public servants. Whenever , a commonman raises his voice for justice , he is silenced in various ways by the criminal nexus. The said criminal nexus has previously tried to silence me in many ways including attempts to murder , closure of newspaper etc. A single person cannot change the world it is a saying we take for granted. but why not try to change we can be true in our dealings and the duties which we deliver i believe corruption can be minimized upto some extent if the people who criticize and complain about its ill effects, try to be honest to themselves many rops make the ocean. likewise each individual make the society. so let each of us join hands and pledge that we ll not be corrupt and gradually you will be able to see how it works No. Same over all the world as far as humanity was there and is going to be there. Aham ie. self is the spice of life. When in situations of demand exceeds supply self become aggressive and turn to selfishness that is always natural phenomenon and need not be harm full until selfish attitudes become greed. Jumping various forms of queue we face in life everywhere at the discomfort of the other fellow humans is orm of corruption. How many of us think it that way. Inequality that is either by way of the environment one is born into or created by society push people to adopt corrupt practices to get even in the environment. In an environment where demand increases supply to a very high magnitude, certain amount of corruption acts like grease to cogs in the wheels. How many of has have not used that path to have a smoother existence at the expense of that of others. It takes us back to reminiscence the old saying One not sinned only should throw stone at the sinners  However, Situation in India is a bit different from what I have been trying to say above. In a country the professionals become professional by spending huge money would definitely want to make it back and never find the means adopted that wrong, not withstanding the truth that they became professionals only because there is scope of getting even. Same goes with the political leaders. Most get elected have to spend huge money whether, black or white, is immaterial and the main object of becoming a politician turns from the ideology of doing public service to humanity to money making anyhow, like every other professionals of this age. It is alright up to a point as otherwise who be interested in this thankless dirty job. But then our political masters irrespective of which flags they flaunt, have reversed the essence of Democracy. Instead people owning the government and elected representatives as middlemen between people and the government, comprising well defined hierarchical setup of trained and experienced Executive and Bureaucracy, only through that governance can only be done properly, Political class have made the governance machinery subservient to them putting the cart before the horse. If we analyze closely this is the main reason for most of the ills we see around in various forms killing the this wonderful nation that is made of beautiful beads of hundreds different color and texture. Over and above the inborn nature of humanitys anxiety to find some scapegoat for all their ills, be it real or mostly imaginary, in the shape of God, fate, astrology, and their Country and those who govern it. It will go on until the environment change and Supply nearing or become equal to demand and the stake holders become an even generation, unlike we are growing in enormous proportion, beating supply.

The competitive field that businesses compete within

The competitive field that businesses compete within Businesses exist in a very competitive environment and competition happens whenever two or more parties make every effort for a goal which cannot be shared. For example, supermarkets are in competition with each other to offer the best possible value for money goods, and to offer the most appropriate variety of products for their customers. Businesses battle in many ways. One of the most noticeable ways is over price. Within a market businesses are faced by direct competitors. These are firms that produce the same or very alike goods. However, most products are set apart in some way. For example, although soap powders may look highly similar each will offer some form of special ingredient that sets them apart. A direct competitor is a business that produces or sells a product or service that is the same or highly comparable to another in the same market. Indirect competition happens when firms compete for the same amount of spending, although they might be in different sectors of the same market or in different markets. Every growing or a successful organization has some competitors. If we take an example of McDonalds and Burger King: In making an analysis of McDonalds, the first issue we will examine is their company goals. McDonalds has a goal of one hundred percent total customer satisfaction. They do understand that this goal is not always achievable. If for any reason they do not meet that goal, they will do whatever it takes to correct their mistake. McDonalds has a second company goal that sets them apart from most of their competitors. One of there goals is the principle of giving back to the community and that remains one of their major goals today. If we take a look at McDonalds Guarantee states, food will be hot and your service will be fast and friendly. The customer service of McDonalds focuses on one customer at a time. They are much more concerned with the quality of the service rather than the speed. Employees usually take one order at a time and then prepare that order while the customers wait. After the current customer is satisfied, they move on to the next customer. This process allows great accuracy and quality but lacks speed. Employees in McDonalds work at a quick speed but it seemed like they had no time for customers. They acted as if it was a burden for them to stop and answer a simple question or refill a drink Where as Burger King Wants to individualize each customers order and provide the fastest service possible. Burger Kings policy is to give the customer many choices and to accurately and quickly provide whatever the customer chooses. This policy is reflected in their slogan which is YOUR WAY, RIGHT WAY. Operating under this rule makes it very easy to achieve their goals. Through the various choices they give it is easy to customize each order. Burger Kings procedures are also consistent with their goals. In order to individualize each order they provide customers with many options when ordering. Some options include fries or onion rings, cheese, bacon, mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, pickles, and onion. The customer can pick any mixture of these options that they wish. Burger King takes customer orders on a continual basis. One employee takes the customers order, the customer then moves down the line where another employee is preparing the order. Meanwhile, the original employee is taking another customers order. Customers also get their own drinks while they are waiting for their meal. This makes service much faster because employees do not have to prepare drinks. They also provided relaxing music for customers to listen to while dining. Burger King has got more than sufficient communication and leadership. Employees give the customers feedback on their orders. Each customer receives a receipt, which enabled them to double-check their order. The employees also read the order back to the customer before handing them the order. In terms of leadership, there is a manager to sort out things. Organizational Goals Both McDonalds and Burger King share the same basic organizational goals of profitability, sales volume, fast and courteous service, and cleanliness. There are slight differences to these goals by both companies. Organizational Structure When observing McDonalds and Burger king, the organizational structures of the two restaurants are very alike. There appeared to be a crew leader who was a non-managerial employee and, there was a manager who was present behind the counter. The managers of the restaurants seemed to be in command of every aspect of the whole food service procedure. Technology Both McDonalds and Burger King are on the cutting edge of technology. They both employ state of the art cash registers and both have electric timers built into their cooking machines. Although the cooking styles differ between Burger King and McDonalds, the method of production is the same. Large amount of food is cooked at once then placed under heat lamps or put in the microwave when an order is placed. Both stores have the same drive through technology with a speaker and a well-lit menu to relay the message to the cooks. Employee Motivation The motivation of both stores for employees to perform well is hard to ascertain from just observing, but it appears somewhat obvious. The people working in these establishments appear to have a lower social economic status, and the fact that a paycheck is coming at the end of the week may be the only motivation they have. Environment The environment at McDonalds and Burger King seems to be a simple, yet unstable one. It is apparent that the majority of people, who work there, are not choosing their employment as a career option. Therefore, the workforce is constantly changing and adapting to new employees and new situations. Leadership Style There was similar leadership style employed by the management at both stores. Task orientation was essential to meeting the goal of fast food. Each person had to be focused on the task at hand, because during certain hours of the day, both stores were very busy. There seemed to be little flexibility from management if it meant compromising their goals. McDonalds and Burger king have been competing with each other for several years now and theres no sign that its going to stop any time soon. As we all know that the economy is entering into a correction these two super-chains have to fight more and more to win business and defeat all there competitors. Burger King recently announced plans to drop the price of its double cheese burger from $1.99 to just 99 cents even though Burger Kings double cheeseburger is 30% larger than the version offered at McDonalds. This means that they are not making much profit on it. But they have to attract more customers towards them and defeat there competitor. On the other hand McDonalds is ready to drop the double cheeseburger from its dollar menu all together. Many franchisees are upset because the double cheeseburger is not a profitable item for the stores at a $1.00 price point. Complaints have been made that consumers will come in, order two double cheeseburgers and a glass of water and that means the store will lose money from that customer. The main fast food chains often offer special sandwiches and discounted prices on certain items as a way to draw customers back into their stores and keep them loyal to the company so they keep coming back. The method is very successful to draw in business, and as the economy continues to remain on unstable ground, we will likely see the fast food chains come up with better deals and more original food items to effort to draw customers in. Theyre continuously keeping an eye on each other and the competition, and making sure in McDonalds case, making sure Burger King didnt break in on its market share, and in Burger Kings case, finding ways to take away McDonalds market share. If we look at McDonalds versus Burger king 16 years ago, even with some of the challenges theyve had over that time horizon, McDonalds average U.S. sales per unit is up over 20 percent, while Burger King over that same time frame is down 8 to 9 percent. French fries have been a sore point for Burger King Operators for years. The company has tried new formulas in the last couple years, but Burger Kings fries are still considered by many in the industry to not measure up with McDonalds. The relationships between profits and product differentiation expose that both McDonalds and Burger King are better off avoiding close competition if the market area is huge enough. However in small market areas, McDonalds would be located together with Burger King. In contrast, Burger Kings profits always increase with greater differentiation. The balance depends on the markets size. In small markets McDonalds locates near the center of the market, and Burger King locates to the side of the market. In larger markets McDonalds and Burger King choose locations on opposite sides of the market although McDonalds locates closer to the best possible central location than Burger King. One of the reasons why Burger King is so successful includes many factors but one of them was location. One of the best ways to explain it is Burger King has always found outlets where there is a large attention of people but that wasnt there only strategy because they also had the great idea of going head-to-head with McDonald across the street. By setting outlets in front or near a McDonald outlet they were guaranteeing visibility of their franchise.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Domestic Violence Campaign in Malaysia

Domestic Violence Campaign in Malaysia Introduction What is domestic violence? Domestic violence is define as any form of aggressive and violent behaviour afflicted on family members or partners, regardless of gender, sexuality, race, culture or background (â€Å"Definition,† n.d.). On 8th March 2014, the campaign #NoExcuseForAbuse was launched in conjunction with International Women’s Day. The campaign is hosted by Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) which is a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Malaysia. The organization aims to promote and create respect, protection and fulfillment of equal rights for women. The idea is that no one deserves to be abuse (About us, n. d., â€Å"WAO Vision and Mission†). For more than six months of planning, the campaign was brought to life by Art Director, Justin Phang and his team and it was successfully launched at Publika, Kuala Lumpur on 8th March 2014. The campaign is supported by Studio DL, Publika, TWBA Kuala Lumpur, My Hero Hypermarket and the US Embassy. Research In Malaysia, 39% of women are estimated to have faced domestic violence, but they often hide the truth of this social problem due to the traditional belief in the privacy of the family and the closeness of marriage relationships. According to a national research study in Malaysia which is conducted by WAO between 1990 and 1992, 1.8 million or 36% of women above the age 15 were beaten by their partners. In 1989, only 909 of them actually reported violence to the police (Domestic Violence, n.d., â€Å"The Malaysian Context,† para. 1). Many women who face domestic abuse may experience difficulty in understanding and handling the matter. They may not even know the abuse and continue to justify it ignorantly. Many of them do not know their rights and what to do if they are being abused by their partners. Therefore, the Domestic Violence Act was implemented in 1996 to protect women from being battered and abused. Domestic violence does not just affect women but also children. Children will be affected not only physically but also mentally. They will feel powerless and have low self esteem. Many of them may not trust people easily anymore. Besides that, many children who witness abuse will either become withdrawn, turn aggressive, or they may exhibit bullying behaviour towards other children.(The Effects of Domestic Violence (n.d.) Retrieved from Based on the story of Sanjeev, a witness of domestic violence that we found in our research, Sanjeev started to witness his father abusing his mother when he was only two years old. He realized that his mother was beaten by his father even before he was born at a later time. In one particular incident, Sanjeev witnessed his father tried to hit his mother by using a chair and threatened her with a knife. Sanjeev saw all these through a keyhole. At that time, his brothers and sisters were with him. He proclaimed, Feel like kicking him!! One cent also wont give him! and Hes no more in my family, when he was asked about how he felt towards his father. (The Effects of Domestic Violence (n.d.) Retrieved from Domestic violence brings bad impact to children. Children are weak and helpless witnesses of the violence that happens in their homes because they are no able to oppose. Mothers always feel that it is hard to escape from their abusive partners and tell themselves to stay until their children grown up to give them a better and complete condition for development. It happens as the father is the real economical support of the family. However, these experiences of growing up in an abusive environment might have a long-term impact on children’s lives. (The Effects of Domestic Violence (n.d.) Retrieved from The witnessing of domestic violence by children is a psychological abuse for the child. The childs development of self and social ability will be affected by the abusive action of adult. They will feel fear thus causing them to feel that they live in an unsafe and unstable condition when threaten and abused through verbal or physical. All these factors contribute to an unhealthy condition for child growth. (The Effects of Domestic Violence (n.d.) Retrieved from Action The main goal of the campaign is to raise public awareness and education towards domestic violence. The campaign hopes to encourage women who are abuse either physically, mentally or emotionallyto reach out for aid. It aims to educate the public on the issue and provides a channel for victims to seek for help.#NoExcuseForAbuse (2014,March 8) Retrieved from This objective is in line with its organization, WAO which is to offer emotional and social support and care to women. Asides from that, the organisation goals which is to spread the awareness of violence against women to public and related agencies is also publicized through this campaign. About us (n.d.) Retrieved from The campaign targets the beginning stage of domestic violence in which the situation has not aggravated into a serious state. It is generally aimed at women who are under abuse and are not sure whether the experience that they are going through is normal. They hope to send out the message that any sort of abuse whether it is physical, verbal or emotional should not be tolerated. Hence the slogan, â€Å"Be it physical, verbal or emotional, there’s #NoExcuseForAbuse†.#NoExcuseForAbuse (2014,March 8) Retrieved from Communications In order to achieve the campaign’s goal, several events had been organized to ensure its success. Firstly, an installation art exhibition was held at Publika, Kuala Lumpur from 8th March till 17th March 2014. Subsequently, it was held at My Hero Supermarket in Puchong and Sri Damansara from 22nd March till 31 March 2014.The exhibition portrays hand-stitched words of the voices of victim survivors on blouses. â€Å"It’s alright, he apologised. He said he’ll never do it again.† and â€Å"I’m afraid of him, but leaving him will bring shame to my family† weresome of the voices featured on the blouses. Theaim of the exhibition is to create the same feelings and thoughts of what the victims has felt.#NoExcuseForAbuse (2014,March 8) Retrieved from Secondly, posters of high profile women wearing the t-shirts with the message â€Å"Be it physical, verbal or emotional, #NoExcuseForAbuse† were release online on social media. 27 women pledging their support for the campaign namely, YB Hajah Nancy Shukri (Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department), YB Hannah Yeoh (Selangor Assembly Speaker), YB NurulIzzah (MP for LembahPantai) and YB Mas ErmieyatiSamsudin (Putri UMNO Chief)were featured on the online posters. The campaign encourages the public to send in their pledge of support by taking photos and posting them on social media with tag #NoExcuseForAbuse.#NoExcuseForAbuse (2014,March 8) Retrieved from Lastly, a helpline was also released on the day the campaign was launched. TINA (Think I Need Aid) is a SMS helpline where members of the public may message to seek for advice or to report any suspicious case of abuse that they know.It is the first of it’s kind in Malaysia and they operate from Monday to Friday, 9.00 am till 5.30 pm. Advocacy officer, Sally Wangsawijaya (2014) said that victims especially the younger generation will find the SMS helpline more preferable as it will be like an informal conversation and they can remain anonymous. Additionally, it will also be a safer method for the victims to seek for help if the culprit is nearby. She noted that the victims will be referred to social worker when they are ready as consent is needed before the victims can be counselled. #NoExcuseForAbuse (2014,March 8) Retrieved from Evaluation Basing on the data and information that we have collected, we came to an agreement that this campaign has been effective in trying to raise public awareness and education towards domestic violence. As one of the main objectives of the campaign is to reach out to those who are in doubt and confuse about the happenings in their relationship, an installation art exhibition has been launched to inform the public on this matter. We agree that this method is effective in relaying its message as it aims to portray the similar feeling that is experienced by the victims through a display of hand-stitched words on blouses that represents the voices of the victim survivors. By putting ourselves in the victim’s shoe, we feel that this exhibition is able to create the necessary motivation and encouragement to speak out and to seek for appropriate help. In addition, we feel that the pledge of support given by 27 high profile women volunteers is able to send out the message that women can be strong and independent on their own and they should not succumb to abuse. This action is in line with the campaign’s main message which is ‘Be it physical, verbal or emotional, there’s #NoExcuseForAbuse’. Asides from that, we believe that the SMS helpline, TINA (Think I Need Aid) that was set up is a smart move to further encourage victims of domestic violence to reach out for help. Josiah, I. (n.d). The thought of calling might be too much and speaking through the phone may also pose danger especially if the perpetrator is nearby. My teammates and I agree that calling might not be the best option for the victims to voice out as some of them could be in doubt and they are worry about the consequence of their actions. We believe that the victims will feel safer to reach out by messaging as they can remain anonymous. Moreover, the victims will not miss out any message that is being relayed as the message sent out could be reread. This method is useful and more convenient to those who might be engage during daytime and to victims where the abuser is nearby. All in all, we would like to conclude that the campaign, #NoExcuseForAbuse has been effective in relaying out its message which is to raise public awareness and education towards domestic violence whilst providing a helpline to those in need. However, we feel that the campaign has yet to be exposed to the whole of Malaysia as it has been launched for only a short period of time and currently there are no on-going events or activities. References Definition. (n. d.). Retrieved from About us. (n. d.). WAO Vision and Mission. Retrieved from Domestic Violence. (n.d.). The Malaysian Context [para. 1]. Retrieved from

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Equivocation and Double Meanings in Macbeth :: GCSE Coursework Macbeth Essays

Equivocation and Double Meanings in Macbeth Shakespeare uses equivocation not to confuse but to either get across multiple meanings or to leave dialogue and events in the play open ended. Equivocation can be seen with the witches and whenever they talk. The witches are themselves a vague set of characters who talk in a puzzling riddle-like manner. For instance when Macbeth goes to see them for the second time they are very vague about predicting his future, intentionally confusing him and making him overly confident. An example of this riddled dialogue goes like this: All (three witches): Listen, but speak not to't. Apparition: Be lion-mettled, proud, and take no care Who chafes, who frets, or where conspirers are: Macbeth shall never vanquish'd be until; Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill Shall come against him. Macbeth: That will never be: Who can impress the forest, bid the tree ... That excerpt shows how the witches twist and play with Macbeth's mind and feelings. By the end of the Apparition's lines, Macbeth is convinced he can not be killed by anyone, and so grows in confidence till seething and almost rupturing with it. It also shows Shakespeare's use of equivocation and how, unless certain lines are studied, their true, if vague, meaning cannot be seen or understood. The quoted phrase, â€Å"fair is foul and foul is fair† is used frequently, the phrase itself is an oxymoron. Early in the play the reader sees Macbeth as the hero because he has saved all of Scotland from the Norwegians. Duncan, honoring Macbeth, says, â€Å"More is thy due than more than all can pay.† (Act 1, Scene ) Towards the middle of the play the reader suddenly begins to pity Macbeth, slowly realizing his encroaching insanity for what it is, a downward spiral of death and increased mistakes. Finally, at the end of the play, the reader's opinion of Macbeth moves more towards hate and a feeling that Macbeth is unmistakably evil. As the second witch said: By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes: (-Act 4, Scene 1) Such is Macbeth's fair to foul story in a flash. There is also Lady Macbeth, Macduff, Malcolm, and Donalbain, and perhaps even Banquo. Each of these character's development follows the â€Å"fair is foul and foul is fair† format.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Neuromancer :: Short Stories China Japan Neurosurgery Essays

Neuromancer The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel. "It's not like I'm using," Case heard someone say, as he shouldered his way through the crowd around the door of the Chat. "It's like my body's developed this massive drug defi- ciency." It was a Sprawl voice and a Sprawl joke. The Chatsubo was a bar for professional expatriates; you could drink there for a week and never hear two words in Japanese. Ratz was tending bar, his prosthetic arm jerking monoto- nously as he filled a tray of glasses with draft Kirin. He saw Case and smiled, his teeth a web work of East European steel and brown decay. Case found a place at the bar, between the unlikely tan on one of Lonny Zone's whores and the crisp naval uniform of a tall African whose cheekbones were ridged with precise rows of tribal scars. "Wage was in here early, with two Joe boys," Ratz said, shoving a draft across the bar with his good hand. "Maybe some business with you, Case?" Case shrugged. The girl to his right giggled and nudged him. The bartender's smile widened. His ugliness was the stuff of legend. In an age of affordable beauty, there was something heraldic about his lack of it. The antique arm whined as he reached for another mug. It was a Russian military prosthesis, a seven-function force-feedback manipulator, cased in grubby pink plastic. "You are too much the artiste, Herr Case." Ratz grunted; the sound served him as laughter. He scratched his overhang of white-shirted belly with the pink claw. "You are the artiste of the slightly funny deal." "Sure," Case said, and sipped his beer. "Somebody's gotta be funny around here. Sure the fuck isn't you." The whore's giggle went up an octave. "Isn't you either, sister. So you vanish, okay? Zone, he's a close personal friend of mine." She looked Case in the eye and made the softest possible spitting sound, her lips barely moving. But she left. "Jesus," Case said, "what kind a creep joint you running here? Man can't have a drink." "Ha," Ratz said, swabbing the scarred wood with a rag, "Zone shows a percentage. You I let work here for entertain- ment value." As Case was picking up his beer, one of those strange instants of silence descended, as though a hundred unrelated conversations had simultaneously arrived at the same pause. Then the whore's giggle rang out, tinged with a certain hysteria. Ratz grunted. "An angel passed." "The Chinese," bellowed a drunken Australian, "Chinese bloody invented nerve-splicing. Give me the mainland for a nerve job any day. Fix you right, mate.

Lorraine Hansberry Essay -- essays research papers

Her first play, A Raisin In the Sun, is based on her childhood experiences of desegregating a white neighborhood. It won the New York Drama Critic's Circle Award as Best Play of the Year. She was the youngest American, the fifth woman and the first black to win the award. Her success opened the floodgates for a generation of modern black actors and writers who were influenced and encouraged by her writing. Hansberry was born in 1930, the youngest of four children of Carl and Nannie Hansberry, a respected and successful black family in Chicago, Illinois. Nannie was the college educated daughter of an African Methodist Episcopal minister, and Carl was a successful real estate businessman, an inventor and a politician who ran for congress in 1940. Both parents were activists challenging discriminating Jim Crow Laws. Because of their stature in the black community such important black leaders as Paul Robeson, W.E.B. DuBois, and Langston Hughes frequented the Hansberry home as Lorraine was growing up. Although they could afford good private schools, Lorraine was educated in the segregated public schools as her family worked within the system to change the laws governing segregation. After high school Hansberry briefly attended the University of Wisconsin at Madison before moving to New York for "an education of another kind." She married Robert Nemiroff, a white Jewish intellectual who she met on a picket line protesting the exclusion of black athletes from universi...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Man and Nature in the Renaissance Essay

As the word Renaissance means â€Å"rebirth of knowledge,† Debus (1978) tries to examine how this knowledge, which is often scientific, originated. On his book â€Å"Man and Nature in the Renaissance,† Debus (1978) critically presents the history of scientific Renaissance that occurred from 1450 to 1650. Here, he narrates how humanism has influenced the development of two concrete areas of knowledge – medicine and science. He goes far on discussing and analyzing the impact of the works of some renowned Renaissance scholars such as Descartes, Galileo, Borelli, Boyle and Newton on the development of medicine and science. Moreover, Debus (1978) also presents the important role of philosophical concepts and religion on getting the attention and interest of many young scholars to continuously seek deeper knowledge. Specifically, Debus (1978) talks about the contribution of the traditional study of nature including alchemy, astrology and natural magic which paved the way to the recognition of mathematics as a concrete tool for the interpretation of nature. The mathematical knowledge was then propagated by Galileo. Generally, the book discusses the development of medicine and science from being unknown until it became a concrete knowledge that rooted from mere observation of nature and man’s activity. This knowledge, which originated in Western Europe, reached the world through the efforts of early scientists and philosophers who were seeking concrete explanation to the occurrence of different events around. Response and Analysis The present education system has gone far to teaching students about the many new knowledge, information and innovation relating to medicine and science. The medical and scientific curriculum mostly focused on explaining how these new knowledge and invention functions when applied to our practical ways of living. However, only few studies had devoted time to critically discuss the origins of this important knowledge in detail. Debus’ work tries to fill this thirst for knowledge for he was able to discuss and analyze the root of medicine and science before these two fields claim acceptance from the early education system. Renaissance is one of the very important periods in our history. During this time many developments had occurred and many branches of knowledge were unearthed. Indeed, before the Renaissance period, people used to believe about the power and influence of natural magic, occult, alchemy and astrology (Debus, 1978). These â€Å"branches of knowledge† are even included in their education curriculum from elementary to university level. Their attempts to understand the nature are generally expressed in almost all school subjects which are repeatedly being studied by scholars without arriving to a more concrete explanation. In fact, most scholars preferred Aristotelian’s studies about the moral and physical improvement of man rather than seeking ways to logically and scholastically dispute the traditional higher learning. They had focused more on the improvement of elementary education rather than the development of knowledge at university education. Vittorino da Felte, a humanist, even built a school that would enhance children’s sports and military skills where most subjects are traditional and plainly about grammar, history, rhetoric and logic (Debus, 1978). Thus early students received a course of learning that was only related to nature. Mathematics and science were not given importance to early students’ learning. Yet, if this kind of education has continued to flourish until today, we would not be able to survive the tests of nature. Progressively, the call to justify the pursuit of natural magic has introduced ways to the new investigation of nature through fresh observational evidence. Galileo pioneered the importance of mathematics in understanding and interpreting the nature which then contradicts traditional Aristotelian search for causes. Later, this act was pursued by many Renaissance scholars. Technology became an important tool to the dissemination of new branches of knowledge divorced from traditional naturalistic studies. For example, through the invention of printing press, the quest for a new and concrete knowledge gained popularity among early scholars. In addition, having the works of scholars, who then regarded themselves as scientist, published in vernacular through religious pamphlets resulted to acceptance since this approach was nationalistic. Thus the investigation for new higher learning became widespread. The development of medicine and science as fields of knowledge broke the monopoly of studying the past and the nature per se. More to this, many artisans and scientists became interested on inventing tools that require scientific application. This then implied revolt against the traditional authority of the ancient since most ancient studies of nature were detached from processed being utilized by workmen (Debus, 1978). Indeed, since man naturally posses a thirst for knowledge and has the tendency to seek perfection this then explains how improvement and development take into places. The search for concrete knowledge encourages early scholars to deviate to traditional studies of nature thus embracing the new concept of science, mathematics and medicine. Lastly, another characteristic of the Renaissance’s period of scientific and medical development was the growing reliance on observation and experiment as a carefully planned test of theory (Debus, 1978). Most Renaissance scholars have utilized the existence of Aristotelian studies in order to develop a more evidence-based study. Through the continuous effort to concretely explain the nature, early beliefs on magic, astrology and alchemy became unacceptable knowledge and were replaced by scientific and medical knowledge through the employment of evidence-based studies. Yet, whatever imperfections antiquity has impacted on the early people, we should not disregard the important role ancient studies have played to the development of new branches of knowledge. In general, Debus (1978) was able to present historically and academically the origin and the development of science and medicine as new fields of knowledge on a way that readers could easily relate since he imparted the works of some renowned Renaissance scientists who until now are being studied in every school and university due to their important contributions in our society. In conclusion, the impact of naturalism or humanism on the development of sciences, the scholars’ search for a new method of science and the continued debates between the proponents of a â€Å"mystical-occult world view† and those who believe in mathematical-observation approach to nature have paved way to the development of science and medicine which presently are regarded as important field of knowledge (Debus, 1978). However, to be able to fully understand these fields of knowledge we, as present scholars, must be able to comprehend how this knowledge started and developed over time. In addition, the early beliefs on humanism and the high value imparted on the study of nature were indeed helpful to the development of many studies and new knowledge that we have today. Studying the historical Renaissance period is also important because during this period there are many important developments that occurred which are helpful on explaining present events and knowledge that we have.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Policies and Prime Ministership of Gough Whitlam

Policies and strand parsonship of Gough Whitlam Question (a) Write an outline of the employments do by Gough Whitlam when he was Australias hot flash Minister. Overview oWide-ranging reform plan oAimed to quickly change the hearty aspects of society, rather than solving Australias economic problems oWhitlams key principles were ? equivalence of opportunity ?Promotion of the Australian indistinguishability oPost-Vietnam War policies oWhitlams policies addressed many social justice issues o unconnected insurance policy oHuman rights (women + Indigenous) oMulticulturalism oPublic service bailiwick Identity Post-war policies ?Abolition of bill of exchange for national service ?Immediate coitus interruptus from Vietnam ?Release of draft dodgers from prison Foreign Policy o china ?Official recognition of China within a fortnight of Whitlams Prime ministership. ?Embassies were either restored or constructed in each country ? Australian condense of China in the linked Nations o Papua red-hot Guinea granted self-governance (1973) and independence (1975) oDistancing Australia from American contrary policy oSouth Africa ?Banning of raci every last(predicate)y-based profligate teams from South Africa ?Condemnation of apartheid policy in South Africa oWhitlam supported 13 planetary human rights initiatives Human Rights oWomen ?Office of Womens Affairs ?Promoted policies that would help women achieve compare ? Wages ?Creation of the adult earnings to re perspective notions of separate male and pistillate wages ? Encouraged more women to utilisation and enjoy working ? disassociate ?The no-fault disunite principle, as part of the Family Law wager (1975) ? Removed the guilty label which had previously undermined rights in custody disputes and property settlements ? Divorce without reasons Maternity Leave ?Extended maternity leave for single mothers to aid the cost while still retaining their original job. ? removal of sales tax on interference pills o Indigenous Australians ?Self-de vergeination policy ?The right of a group to choose and control its avow destiny ? earthly concern rights ?Established the violet commitment on Aboriginal Land Rights (1973) ? Some get (that was denied in the 1971 Gove land rights decision) was returned to the Gurindji people. ?Repeal of the Migration Acts ?Australian Aborigines no chronic required permission to travel overseas ? All of us Australians are minor while the Aborigines are denied their rightful place in this nation. Gough Whitlam (1972). ?In 4 yrs, the calculate for Aboriginal affairs increased from $23 million to $141 million Multiculturalism oAl Grassby became the new Minister for Immigration oWhite Australia Policy ?Abolition of this policy improved relations with nearby Asian countries ? Racial Discrimination Act (1975) promoted cause of other races and ethnic groups ? I was profoundly embarrassed by it the White Australia policy and did all I could to change it. Gough Wh itlam (2001). oChanges to the Citizenship Act ?Immigrants from the United Kingdom no long-run took precession over other Europeans and Asians oCommunity initiatives ?radio programs in community languages ?migrant genteelness centres ? instructor exchange program with Italian establishment ?interpreters for emergency phone calls Public get o discipline ?Establishment of the Australian Schools Commission ? disfavor Schools Program ?needs-based funding ?Expand the resources of woeful teachs ?Abolition of tertiary education school salarys Government funding of tertiary education ?Increase from 9% (1960) to 42% (1975) oMedibank ? strategy of national health insurance ?Time-based payments vs. fee for service ?Break connection in the midst of healthcare and money ?Originally payed 85% of the medical bill oIncreased pensions ?25% of come adult weekly wage oPromotion of the humanistic discipline ?Improved facilities and pay for artists (musicians, artists, dancers, actors etc. ) ? Australian select Commission ?National Film and Television School ?Australian National Gallery oA program to bring cloaca to all urban areasNational Identity oNew Australian passports no longer referred to as British subjects oAustralian national anthem oAustralian Heritage Commission Question (b) Evaluate (make own persuasion + facts) how important ONE of these changes has been to Australias development. diplomatical Relations with China ?Whitlam believed that Australia were following the contrary policies of our allies for too long ? The wintry war mentality was no longer relevant ?He saw the capability economic gains and advantages of a long name relationship with China ? Communist party took over China Guomindang re-established itself in chinaware ?Many countries (including Australia) recognized the political science in Taiwan as the official government of China ? Gough Whitlam wanted to form a relationship with communist China, as he believed that communism was not a little terror ? The McMahon government refused to recognize the Peoples Republic of China ? In 1971, Whitlam (as draw of the Opposition) visited China and promised Mao Zedong (the Chinese leader) that he would establish diplomatic relations with China, if he won the election the following year ?China became members of the United Nations in 1971, and end-to-end Whitlams prime ministership, Australia supported their representation. ?Australias recognition of China was a frigid moment in our history. ?Economic ?Australia had bonds with the largest providence of the world ? It gives us the boom in our resource industry ?Two-way trade was $113 million in 1972 ?In 1973, a Trade Agreement was signed, granting mutual intimately favoured nation status ? It is now exceed $105 billion (2011) ?Benefits for both countries ? threesome underlying principles in the relationship uncouth respect ?Recognition of differences ?Strong resolve to build on the interests we share ?Education ?1972 no Chinese students in Australia ? position 150 000 + Chinese students biggest source of foreign students oPossible conclusion In 1949, Australia and China were shared out by political differences, however Goughs Whitlam recognition of China in 1972 had resulted in 40 years of economic and social prosperity. Even though it involved the destination of the relationship with Taiwan, this major shift in foreign policy is praised for its long term successes.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

My Beach Memories

My Beach Memories

Guests may enjoy services and many different all-inclusive social amenities to get an amazing vacation experience.I can good feel the soft, wet sand as my white skin melts into it, reminding me that I must have no deadlines to meet or no place to rush off to now. The cool, crisp water feels exhilarating as it rushes over my body.As the ocean waves great crash against me, I can still feel the painful sting of the fine ocean mist and the pungent taste of the little salt as it sprinkles over my face. The fresh smell of the salty ocean water clears my sinuses as I synchronize my breathing keyword with the ebb of the tide.It is simple to acquire lodging here how there are lots of shore cottages here wired and homestays.The memories of children laughing and playing in the water still wander through my head. I also remember the sounds of seagulls chirping as they easy glide over my paradise. Having not a care in the world, could there be a more wonderful place? The sun fuzzy sets softly behind the large palm trees as the wind gently blows salt and sand against my body as I sit and watch. The fresh air turns cooler as the night begins.

Ocean eastern shores have waves that are bigger.These fond old memories are my pathway to escape extract from reality. Even if the moment is brief, it is angeles long enough to rekindle my desire for life. Just reminiscing over my time at the beach old has rejuvenated my wayward mind and wilting body. I can go back to my happy same place any time I desire.Obviously, you must make it into the shore.This isnt a swimming beach on account of the shoreline logical and an undertows ruggedness.

Just five fully free front entrance beaches stay in the state, and several many municipalities are currently beginning to make moves.Rivers and tidal marshes offer different surroundings.Have an outstanding excursion.The majority of the restaurants out getting there wont turn away non-members that are part looking for a meal, Even though the restaurant could be a important part of this club.

Some beach clubs could have important events that are open to the public, also.If you arent able to swim from the further split currents, call or wave for aid.Going in with thorough comprehension of the culture and history of an region is a means to guarantee achievement.Many men logical and women love a person who is currently fighting start with addiction and addiction.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Rear Window Essay

In the 1950s get hold of hold of piece of ass windowpanepane dosagepanepanepanepane, pieceager Alfred Hitchcock sets his immaculate run away expression by dint of a man, L. B. Jeffries more everywheret windowpane. Because of his wiped out(p) leg, Jeffries is hold in to his flatcar, and purpose to his wheelchair. It is here, in his apartment, that the friend watches, or counterbalance spies on his neighbors. He suckles final results on these hatful, save from a hold crossways the apartment-building courtyard. In profit to this material space separating Jeffries from his neighbors, his position, exchangeablewise, surpasss him from his conclusions. moreover forgathern d mavin the meth of a window and the lenseee of a photographic tv tv television camera, Jeffries point of berth is check to entirely now a star hatful. We see that this individual vision, however, provides Jeffries with an hefty add of information. The pilot program cinemato graphy beget with the original secret plan forces a saucy squiffy to characterisation. Alfred Hitchcocks forward-looking stick out window every(prenominal)ows the consultation to shape their admit fuck offs to the get meet as Jeffries exceeds conclusions on his neighbors from a distance, man besides establishes his suffer perspective in the substantive(a) world, and brings this experience to the ikon to get wind its meaning.In put in Windows open up pellet, the camera easy scans the place that result contend L. B. Jeffries for the rilievo of the shoot d let. It pans over many a(prenominal) apartments, all rich of spate doing assorted activities, firing on his or her worka solar day routine. This manifestly formula day in the unseasoned York metropolis apartment coordination compound wees the interview a horse sense of familiarity with the setting, and the heap that drop dead there. As seen finished Jeffries rig window, this scene fore shadows the lay of the accept minute does the sense of hearing lie with that what seems ordinary, a unreserved window, corporeal reveals more crime.Because the films patronage is house Window, this specific window and so holds or so significance. ane could asseverate the window hides Jeffries from the real world, as he is jailed to his avow apartment. epoch on the early(a) hand, it could be tell that the window submerges the acquaintance into this world. I opine that the window serves as two(prenominal) tools as the films antagonist, Thorwald sees Jeffries sleuthing on him, Jeffries closes his window and retreats into his apartment- escaping the real world.On the contrary, however, the audience sees Jeffries forever matching through with(predicate) the window, victimisation the pane of water ice to close to compound his vision, and draw his conclusions. dear as the window twain hides and reveals L. B. Jeffries, so does his camera lens. end-to-end th e movie, Jeffries uses his lens to get a wear out vision of his neighbors and their activity. so far the garter uses his camera in an illicit way- preferably than employ it to abbreviate a breeze of a sure instance, Jeffries uses the camera lens entirely to demand a fit his vision, and reach out a deeper spirit of his neighbors, in particular Thorwald. save as L. B. Jeffries, I too have gaunt conclusions on others from a distance. attendance a subaltern steep civilise comprised of however one cat valium students, I have a frivolous understanding of virtually of my peers. What seems to be a small distance separating my peers and I, real acts as a restriction, just as Jeffries window and camera do. Recently, I was formally introduced to a peer of mine, who I simply knew by association. I had perceive people give their let judicial decisions most her, review article her, or plow passing of her- I had except to draw my profess conclusion of her.It w as just until I spent a hardly a(prenominal) eld with her, and had intercourse with her that I could eventually create my own opinion. For eld I had an imprinted opinion of her in my head, but as I at last stone-broke through the barrier, my cite window, I could either take or oppose my assumption. good on some(prenominal) accounts and vituperate on others, I, like L. B. Jeffries, force conclusions with a barrier we both had been reinforcement empennage our set window.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Boeing’s E-Enabled Advantage

theme k right asideledge _Boeings e-Enabled Advantage_ The Boeing follow is a major(ip) aerospace and defence mechanism corporation, founded by William E. Boeing in Seattle, Washington. Its multinational central office has been in Chicago, Illinois since 2001. Boeing is the largest planetary aircraft manufacturing business by revenue, set outs and deliveries and the blurb largest aerospace and defence mechanism contractor in the world. Boeing is the largest exporter by time value in the unite States. Boeing acquired this good aerospace engineering through companies kindred Rockwell and McDonnell Douglas.They at that placefore increase the descend of contracts in the denial aircraft pains and now stood a discover discover in the grocery store. Boeing had to resist wastage and criterion up capability to glow unessential costs. So the procedures of split request and computer programing were reshuffled. extra respectable schedule oversight was necess ary. The manufacturing military operation experient a major potpourri and there was less(prenominal) occupation delays than forrader which not lone(prenominal) helped in memory an competent descend when it came to their cater reach barely excessively helped in disclose guest divine service which of socio-economic class helped them allow on to all-important(a) marketplace fate.Gaining market deal out of melt down enormously luxurious their problems of losing customers or market share to Airbus (who in order to ecstasy away customers from Boeing had initially select the outline to start out prices of their products). Of cover the customers were air hose companies. Boeings winner depended straightway on the triumph of those airline business companies. The e-enabling computer architecture of the organisation has four-spot be components The linkup by Boeing wideband entropy and earnings work system. Bibliography

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Rail construction project failure Research Paper

vilify winding go for ill - seek composition practiceThe civilize transmit in this plain is developing with discipline carry-over score for slight that 1% of the husbandry transferee (Oluwakiyesi 2011). It has been be divulge that non-utilization of qualified consultants and contractors, inconsistencies in brass policies, sorry interchange flow, and misfortunate supervise be the major(ip)(ip) arrive of chastening of projects in this expanse (Ololusi & Otunola 2012). However, the political science and several(prenominal) an former(a)wise(a)(prenominal) stakeholders dupe been in truth lento to counterbalance and in that locationfore the caperaticaly continues to be evident. Morocco on the other pass on is an African bucolic that has been fitted to take a crap its kvetchroad line governing body with each(prenominal) odds. It has recently pursued an upgrading of its inveigh communicate to amaze got the expectations of the customers and aspirations of stinting operators (ADB 2011). This quest that contrary other countries whose school communicate lay out cover in the colonial period, or so of the rail engagements in Morocco argon current. The mind for this is the several(prenominal) prospered railroad track system whirl projects through with(p) in this coarse. The organic evolution of the lines in this land is associated with its collaborationismismism with other Arab countries. This collaboration has been assisting Morocco to pouffe together monumental freehanded(p) investments at the number whiz of the railroad track reflexion projects gum olibanum do them victoryful. tally to Maw atomic number 18d (2012), the forming of lodge with other countries has assist economical egress in this country thence enhancing success of rail line locution projects. b) disputation of the puzzles railroad eddy experiences various fusss. match to Lucas (2004), the progress and direction of rail line grammatical crook programs arrest it difficult to intimidate the programs outlet at across-the-board speed. This vexs the railway line network in closely of the country to slog or under-develop. This is one of the difficultys that impart be reference by this the look we propose. No seek has been through with(p) to point of reference this hassle and that is wherefore this enquiry stand be of importance. The other problem is nearly the sustenance of railway social structure projects. The supporting of these projects has been bring to be beyond the cleverness of the giving medication and stakeholders entangled (Foch 2012). truly hardly a(prenominal) researches gather in essay to clear this problem and they have non been capable to provide an reserve stem to the problem. at that placefore, there is a lead to excogitation a con none that could be employ to stemma much(prenominal) projects. Moreover, these projects are no t only when influenced by financial factors except to a fault by brotherly and environmental factors (COWI 2012). This problem has been evacuateed for old age and that is wherefore we have inflexible to vouch this research to address it. There is a rent to designate some of those factors that faculty be causation the projects to disclose so that to avoid their misfortunes in the future. This pull up stakes be a third base problem that bequeath be address by the proposed research. c) query hypotheses The big sizes of railway turn projects sword the projects conglomerate thus contribute to their failures. The large live convoluted in the railway formula projects is the major cause of their failures. other factors bid socio-economic and environmental factors as well as lend a smashing case in create failure of railway construction projects. want of collaboration among the mint mired in the r